Educational Performance

Educational Performance

Garlough Environmental Magnet School - 1st grade classes

Garlough Environmental Magnet School - 1st grade classes

Music Education

Dúo León includes two unique instruments, the harp and the oboe, which many students (and teachers) have never seen or heard performed live. Hannah (harpist) and Susan (oboist) share how they create vibrations which create their sounds. They discuss what makes their instruments unique and give solo playing examples along with verbal examples of how their instruments differ from others in a band or orchestra.

We occasionally work with a dancer who gives visual and verbal examples of how she uses a kinesthetic sphere during her movement. She shares how movement goes hand in hand with music and shows examples of how she improvises to live musical instruments. Brittany (dancer) shows how she can react to sounds as well as silently communicating how the music makes her feel.


Live Performances

Dúo León has performed at quINTENS!VE Chamber Music Camp and MMEA MN All-State Band Camp for middle and high school students. The ensemble has done numerous educational programs at Garlough Environmental Magnet School. Dúo León has performed at various venues at fundraisers for local non-profits at Honey in Northeast Minneapolis and Urban Eatery in Uptown. This unique ensemble is open to interesting and artsy performance opportunities as well as the opportunity to share their take on chamber music with a more traditional crowd.

World Premiere of Theresa Martin’s Across at University of Colorado Boulder, July 2022

Dúo León frequently gives recitals and has performed for the International Double Reed Society Conference in Boulder, CO, in 2022.

Dúo León is available to perform at festivals, recitals, weddings and any other event that would be open to beautiful music and engaging movement.

Dúo León performs a recital at Hastings Art Center in February 2022

Duo Leon performs “Romance” by Yusef Lateef at The University of Kansas in 2023